Children’s Academy

Children – is cognition!

“Imagination is more important, than knowledge itself”.

Albert Einstein

In ancient Greece it was considered extremely important that even before thinking the children have experienced the state of surprise. Thinking, which comes into motion, passing by the state of surprisingly, become dry, abstract, and ultimately fruitless. During training, associated with the process of thinking, the salt is formed in the body, leading to the deposition, hardening, aging. But if the learning process is accompanied by pleasure and interest, then it produced a hormone that stabilizes the micro balance and converts salt.

For many centuries ago, the sages knew that nothing could be in the mind that was not first in sense. The modern view of a man only in terms of development of intelligence cripples people since childhood. Yes, you can attach, stick, paste the information into a dead child’s head, that is, information that is not lived through them. But if this is not the experience of the child, not his discovery, the strings of his soul will not be affected, they will be silent. We’re just going to exploit the possibility of “absorbing” the child’s mind. As a result, the forces that should be sent to the laws of nature to the healthy development and gradually leave. How goes the essential of apple soaked in poison, stimulating early maturation. Our fifteen years of experience shows that if children are intelligent, that is, as the boxes are filled with information that they can not digest, which they can not communicate, they do not have role models of forces, and therefore will not be in school age authority, so necessary for a good assimilation program. it is practically impossible to carry away such children. They do not have fancy forces. They are like little old men. They are tired, bored, a little moving. They are not creators, but consumers.

Based on the understanding of the above told, the intellectual development of the young child takes place in the Children’s Embassy indirectly, it doesn’t come from the circulation to his way of thinking, which is not yet fully formed, but to his will, his desire to act. The free-shaped form of the child receives the elementary notions of how the world and its natural laws, has the ability to naturally train a lot in the long run and constructive activity. The Embassy has a science lab for children, in which they conduct research. We see our task in not “loading” the children with “dead” concepts. Our goal is to surprise them.

Come to the Children’s Embassy, we’ll together “discover” the world!