Games Library

Children – is a Game!

There is an opinion that the game and study concepts are not compatible. But the experience of the Children’s Embassy proves that children are very efficient, with great pleasure and interest they learn all the names during the real game. It is safe to say that the process of learning takes place at the same time in the most healthy way.

The Children’s Embassy plays and experiments over and over again to play different situations and options of the game to try their hand. Children with interest examine the properties of objects and how they interact. How, for example, will the water color, if we add blueberry juice? And if a sand will dissolve in it? And when the tower is more stable: when we put in the bottom of it a small cube or a big one? And what ball will roll down the chute quicker – heavy or light?

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand

In the Embassy Children play and socialize, developing greatly their social and language skills. They learn to work together, because before you play, you need to allocate roles and discuss the rules and sequence of the game, to organize selection and placement of toys. Children learn to find compromises, to share, to give, to help each other. During the game, inevitably there are disputes. Our children can fend for themselves. They learn to conflict and effectively leave them, to find arguments to defend their opinions. From the tender age they are trained in setting goals and developing strategies to achieve them, the ability to engage and motivate others. Our children respect other people and know how to make friends.

In the Embassy Children play and learn to control their emotions. While playing, children learn to take not only the victory, but defeat, deal with grievances and pain. They learn to wait, to endure, to forgive, with understanding and compassion to treat others, begin to verbalize their feelings, explaining their desires and actions.

In the Embassy Children play a variety of roles. Today the child is brave sailor or a knight, a charming prince tomorrow, the day after the tomorrow a chef, a doctor or an engineer. Children with great gusto get used to the images of different animals. Bunnies, dogs and cats – are the favorite of the characters. Incredible healing the play are for the eradication of vivid impressions of unhealthy images, which, unfortunately, have captivated the world of children. Games let you “try on” the different roles, act and express themselves according to their interest to the hero, getting new impressions and experiences, learning a lot of new, interesting and useful. So the children awaken imagination, train a creative approach to business and dedication. Child in a game, as if “digests” the absorbed world around him. It is through playing a child healthy recycles all of the content of his inner life, all his impressions and experiences.

The Embassy children play and study. Thanks to our game system, children study themselves many serious things. For example, they learn the value of space, are introduced to the basic laws of physics, chemistry, easy to learn the alphabet. The participants of the games need a good memory, motor development, quick response, knowledge of numbers, arithmetic, geometric shapes, the ability to build a logical chain to distinguish colors, orientation in space and time, and many other basic knowledge and skills.

Thus, in the Children’s Embassy during the game children are taught such skills, and develop these abilities, which are necessary for a person for interesting, independent and responsible life.
Thanks to our unique system of upbringing and education of physical and mental health of our children is significantly higher than the average. Our children show a higher level of development of logical and creative thinking; developed and beautiful speech; greater ability to concentrate; excellent memory and imagination. Children have a well-developed coordination, large and fine motor skills, they feel great in their body, active, agile, they are characterized by improved general psychological stability. Our children are easy to tie friendships, better listen to the partner, they are distinguished by a positive attitude and high readiness to cooperate with other people.

Our living toys

A wise man said: “If you “sow” the imagination, then you “gather” fabulous flowers”. A child, who hasn’t finished his game become the frustrated adult. It was the childhood game, filled with imagination, serve as precursors of valuable skills – skills in all sincerity and humanity, with which at grown-up age to do your work, to approach it creatively and with enthusiasm.

Game – is a SPECIAL children’s activity, through which the child learns the world around us. The game generates creativity. And if the child had the opportunity to create freely, he will become a creator in adult life. That is why the game is SO NECESSARY for the child, but for the game one need good toys made with heartfelt warmth and love.

Children are explorers by their nature. They build and rebuild, assemble and disassemble, move, add up, considering ……. they tirelessly create, they are creators.

What taste is a ball? What color is the cube? Is this stroller heavy? How does the bell ring? Children learn about the world through all their senses. A feeling of great train in the game, in which the toys – are the main assistants. They have a huge role in the mental and physical health of the child, the formation of his intelligence, creativity, provide a full sensory development.

That is why, bringing them into the space of the Children’s Embassy, we pay special attention to the shape, size, color, and even the fact of who and where made them. We believe that when a child from his childhood is surrounded by high quality and beautiful things, he has formed a good taste. We ensure that children in addition to a variety of building materials, knitted funny animals, beautiful dolls, sewn craftswomen specifically for the gaming rooms of the Embassy, doll furniture, cars and locomotives handmade surrounded by a variety of natural materials – wooden billets cut by thin saw from different kinds of trees, roots, bark pieces, silk, cotton and woolen fabrics of pleasant shades, shells, cones, beautiful minerals, feathers and various fruits. And with all this wealth, we encourage children to actively use the free game, which naturally lays the social skills, develop the imagination and motor activity.
Game – it is, above all, the process, and only then use preprinted forms and toys. Special plastic of natural materials, color, appearance and tactile properties are inherently friendly, pleasant and cute – children readily and surprisingly diverse use them in the game. Work in progress in the form of a natural material gives children a foundation for their own imagination and activity.
We can not help wondering how a child’s hands blue silk during the game magically transforms into – in the living ocean, wooden tables – in ships, small shells – in the wonderful snails, and a scattering of stones – in treasure. Chestnuts can be a meal, flock of sheep, cars on the street. Chopped billets with side knot can become a locomotive, an iron, a steamer. This process of reviving daily in the child’s hands, seemingly simple things seem magical. Even yesterday, the wood was cut down at the plate in a game doll kitchen, and now it had the support of the bridge over the creek, which a minute turn all blue and blue scarves. And these stones – are “potatoes” that are now being prepared in a small saucepan by Bunny for lunch the day before were used in the construction of the fairy knight’s castle.

Our goal is to pick up the game materials for toddlers with endless gaming features – features that may vary depending on the game children’s interests. It is no secret how quickly the child loses interest in the new toy store. It does not matter whether it’s a brilliant car on the remote control or a plastic doll in expensive clothes. If the child is surrounded only by ready, completely decorated toys, his imagination will atrophy. In our embassy, we do not cease to be surprised with what desire and how enthusiastically the children every day playing with that presented nature as diverse ways to use the game seemingly simple things, with some warmth and care they relate to toys made by their parents and caregivers hands. There are no words to describe how vibrant the inexhaustible imagination of children miraculously fills the space with constructive creative forces. It is safe to say that many children falling from the usual home environment in space of the Children’s Embassy, such an atmosphere is incredibly healing for them.
The desire of parents to intellectualize quickly their children to “accelerate” the development of their ability often KILLS the VIVID fantasy. These children are not developed on the nature of the mortgaged creative thinking. Is it possible to call a vivid an impregnated by growth hormones, accelerators of ripening apple? It looks nice, but inside it is poisonous! It has lost its essence and it is dead. And children whose natural ability to smooth knowledge of the world was poisoned by dry, abstract concepts, to which the child simply by his nature does not yet ripe, almost does not know how to play. Yes, to absorb due to the natural “soaks up” the mind, the child can do everything, but to digest it – NOT! And, as a result of such a “poisoning” a child himself does not create any more creative impulses. He is bored, he always needs impulses from the outside. And there came an endless series of quickly bored toys and constant expectation of the adult that he will entertain, entertain and entertain.
Sadly, this diagnosis is reinforced by pernicious tendency of modern parents to carry, as it may sound rough, the children for a variety of occupations. One lesson is replaced by another, third, and so on, just to take, take, take. And after a while, the child can not take himself. He needs constant adult who takes him, takes, takes. And our fifteen years of experience in observing the children, said that such childhood rhythm is fatal for the children, their health, their motivation for further studies at the school. And the real knowledge and skills is not influenced by the number of visits to club.

One may consider the Children’s Embassy, as a center of rehabilitation of childhood. It is here, through careful nursing, a puppet theater, through a special mobile games and songs the children’s gradually fantasy comes to life, it becomes brighter, richer and more varied. There takes place a healing process. Children, who have passed a remarkable rate of game therapy, regain their childhood that rightfully belongs to them. And this experience of enthusiastic live games they bring to their home and at playgrounds, thereby showing to other children and their parents a wonderful example of the healthy development.

The toys themselves and how they are placed it must be felt a life. Understandable forms and natural colors amaze and captivate kids. It’s a great joy and a pleasure to watch them playing. You will never see a bored children at us. Good toys so naturally involved in the children’s game, awakening their imagination and initiative, there is a feeling that every second creation.

Having a clear understanding of how important are the healthy experiences for the child, we regularly invite to the Children’s Embassy true masters of puppeteers, who in the presence of children cut out wooden toys, carved furniture, figurines made of clay and straw, sewing clothes for dolls. And we do this not just for the kids learned how to do the same, and, above all, to imbue the space in which they grow up as living forces of creativity.

We always celebrate at the Embassy the birthday of a new doll. Doll – is a type of person. Therefore, for each child it is that the main plaything, which is more likely, and revives in his mind as an idea of the structure of his own body. All the dolls and clothes for them at the embassy are hand-sewn. Their creation requires great skill and the present of inspiration. Children feel that toys were made specifically for them and treat them very carefully. They themselves once a month wash and iron all the clothes for the doll and her little bed. Each toy has its place. Kids after having fun during the game remove all neatly. At the Embassy generally there lives a mood of order that capture children and they support it with enjoy.

Every place in the Children’s Embassy is arranged mentally. Children are very fond of theater area. Here at their disposal there are all kinds of hats, scarves, crowns, belts, fabrics, different colors, sizes and textures, necklaces and bracelets. Different size of screens helps to build the scenery, and staged puppets and dolls are always happy to participate in new productions.

In the space of the Children’s Embassy there is a place not only for active play, but also a place for recreation. Cozy canopy – tent, where you can always lie down on the soft pillows and a dream envelops you with its warmth and mystery. How nice it to turn the pages of beautiful books and listen to the sounds of the magical history of a lyre.

Children are very fond of a great pool made of dry wood, filled to the brims with rounded solid chestnuts. Laying down in it is a pleasure. Pleasant rustling and soft body massage perfectly relaxes. “Swimming” in a pool relieves stress, fatigue, has a great healing effect.

One of the favorite activities of children – it is a game with baskets filled chocks, pieces of bark, roots and the intricate variety of wood scraps, irregularly shaped. As to fantasy force children use these natural materials in the game. They make very interesting things, unusual landscapes and fantastic cities. Of course, such non-uniform and unstable parts lead difficult to balance with each other. It takes a lot of effort and skill, creativity of dealing with every detail. But doesn’t it originate an engineering thought from here?

One of the great importance in the games room is an interestingly furnished shop. Here, children are learning how to give and take, to ask for something and give thanks. At the disposal of the children is always a sufficient number of well-treated seeds, acorns, chestnuts, pebbles – they are goods. Wooden shovels, spoons, small baskets and cups are used for packaging of goods. A real scale is made of halves of coconut and birch twigs. All this natural wealth is with pleasure carried on “kitchen” to prepare “meals”. White wool, if you put it in a bottle, it looks like milk, obtained from cones of delicious “cake”, and chestnuts are “pies” that are simply Yum.

Very amusing it is equipped in the Embassy a small playing house, in which any girl feels like a real little mother. You can shake the baby doll in a crib, change him a little bed, dress him in fine clothes, ride in a wicker carriage, cook a meal and set the table with nice tablecloth and dishes to guests arrival.

Of course, the boys are also happy to play in a doll house, but there is another special favorite of activity – it is in the workshop. It is here the boys with great pleasure learn to cut wooden sticks, working chisels. They have a special vice, real hammers, nails, and even hand-held drills. Usually, they are what they are, “the dads”, who had gone to work, and “at night”, they return to the doll house, where they will have great food prepared by small “moms”. And the game continues!

A well-organized game space gives a child a great food for thought. After all, who wants to understand the world should know it not only with the head, but with his hands.

Come to the Children’s Embassy, WE’LL PLAY!