CHILDHOOD EMBASSY is fairy houses of Childhood, where life is passing in love! Having been situated in an amazingly picturesque and calm place, it is just an oasis, where children grow up, passing the unique time of their Childhood with profit and fun. One can really call this place an oasis, as green forestland and parks, surrounding the territory, squirrels and a lot of song-birds is an attribute of the EMBASSY. Beautiful accommodation, amazing Child-minders and the main thing is wonderful homely atmosphere. In CHILDHOOD EMBASSY kindness prevails, everything is made up with joy. Here grown-ups create the World together with children. They listen to it and fill with love and hope for the best sounding of themselves for the world. It is the world of fairy tales, fascinating adventures and discovers. It is the place, where a child is happy and parents are calm.
They treat very carefully and gently childhood in the house! And they offer the very thing that children need today: interesting rhythm of the day, taking in consideration the healthy aspect, very comfortable atmosphere for life and growth, unique energizing room and interior, quality and cheerful toys and materials which encourage harmonious development, similar in their nature educating programs, creative studies which spark interest and awaken fantasy, apprenticeship training, beautiful holidays.
Welcome home – into the world of Childhood!
CHILDHOOD EMBASSY is not just a private kindergarten, it is an ecosystem, where a child makes his own progress in accordance with his individuality.

CHILDHOOD EMBASSY is open round the year. Here, as if under their roof, come children and grown-ups of all nationalities. Everyone is ready to sustain, direct and help those, who need it. Come and make sure by yourself. Embassy sustains in different situations. For those, who is going to kindergarten – bumpless transfer from tie-up with mother to infant community. For those, who doesn’t visit kindergarten – possibility to play and develop with children. For those, who need special gentle and attentive approach, for example, for sensitive, shy, slow or vice versa very active children – possibility to firm up physically and mentally. For ingenious children – comfortable atmosphere, bringing his talent to light. For those, who is getting ready to school – quality training in general subjects. Embassy guarantees safeness and keeps privacy.

In any family sooner or later the moment comes, when grown up baby boy or girl claims his or her will to step out the wonderful family word and to start expanding the horizons of perception. This first experience of meeting the open world is very important. It is priceless for all private history of little Person. Whether the child will trust the world, that means to attract by his thoughts only good things into his life, whether he will be sincere, kind, bright, joyful, careful, attentive, patient depends on the harmonious world around him during the first seven years of his life on the earth. The thing, that we are all natives of childhood is no more a secret to anyone.
CHILDHOOD EMBASSY is open for children everyday, from morning till night, during the calendar year. During generous Autumn, and fairy Winter, and tender Spring, and wonderful Summer children run joyfully into their Houses, fill them with the purest energy of their love. Organization of children’s life of different ages in accordance with challenging tasks, which we, the grown-ups, bringing knowledge of traditions, culture, moral statutes can set before ourselves, is the best way in the model of big House. Not the establishment, but just the House!!!! All the rules of cohabitation live objective in the Houses, and that is why children take them easily from the first days of conversance with Embassy.

It is so wonderful to spend a weekend with whole family in the countryside!
To stroll around the park, to feast your eyes with splendid landscapes, to listen to nice music, to work with pleasure in the garden, to have a cup of aromatic herbal tea, to bake tasty cookies, watch home performance and to make something useful for a house. All these fascinations are possible, if you come on weekends to VDNKh (Exhibition of Economic Achivements) to CHILDHOOD EMBASSY.

A unique developing program First Steps for moms and babies is very popular in CHILDHOOD EMBASSY.
Most of our parents consider First Steps program as preparative and adaptative to basic programs of EMBASSY, where children stay without moms, but it also can be used as a individual program alongside home studies or run-up to any kindergarten. It really helps children getting their hand in the world, learn to trust, learn to cooperate with other children and grown-ups, to listen and to hear, to look after themselves, to help friends, to draw, to sing, to dance, to act in a play, to craft, to count, to read.
In a TINY HOUSE, situated in a most beautiful place of Ostankinski Park, among wonderful hand-made toys and unusual interior of game rooms, made of wood, take place amazingly warm home meetings of children and their moms with CHILDHOOD EMBASSY minders.
On the programme: roundelays, finger and sing games, crafting with natural materials aiming developing of fine and gross motor skills, molding, painting, appliqué work, puppet show, massage, gymnastics, rhythmic, merry meetings with English language, acquaintance with counting and letters, music, dancing, socialization games, tea party, gifts making, carrying out holydays and many other unexpected pleasures.

Tel 1: 8-965-116-57-77
Tel 2: 8-985-723-62-39
email: detskoeposolstvo@yandex.ru
CHILDHOOD EMBASSY situated in traditional places of walking with children. Any time any mom can simply come in the House to have rest, change closes and feed her baby, get shelter during the bad weather and get any necessary help. In EMBASSY library there are always a lot of books, which mom can read while her baby is sleeping, and even take books home if mom hasn’t finish reading.
The Houses of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY all situated near each other in one of the most beautiful places of Moscow.
The first House is situated in the territory of Ostankinski Park, near the country estate of earl Sheremetiev.
Metro station VDNKh, tramway #11, 17 – route terminal “Ostankinski Park”, or trolley bus # 9,13, 36,37, 69,73 up to stop “Academic Korolev street”
Then go on foot up to central entrance in park Ostankino. Enter the park and walk up to the pond, then turn right and walk 300 metres up to single-storey building of park direction, decorated with green siding with address 7A, 1st Ostankinskaya Street. Go round the building from the right side. Enter the internal court, walk up to the wooden door with sun and post box.
One can easily get to CHILDHOOD EMBASSY on foot from Marfino district. Very picturesque road starts right from the Botanicheskaya street and then goes along the park. In any weather one can walk down the road with pleasure and health benefit.
The second House is situated right in the forest area of VDNKh near the Hovanski Entrance. Enter the barrier of Hovanski entrance, turn left and walk 100 metres along grove, then turn right and go down the road 100 steps. You can see white single-storey brick building with two red roofs. Go round it from the right side. Say hello to bear cubs, which keep watch and ward the House, and go ahead and come around. Tasty home-made cookies, warm currant tea and honey are guaranteed to you. Have rest, listen to wonderful birds singing, watch everything, ask questions. The house has nobody left cold.
The third house lives near the Botanic garden. It, like the previous two Houses, is all surrounded by green wing flats of century-old trees and blossom bushes. From the Marfino district one can get here on foot or by bicycle through the Ostankinski Park or from Hovanskaya Street, through the Hovanski Entrance of VDNKh. Enter the barrier, turn left and walk 500 metres along the road to Green theatre. Exactly behind the Green theatre turn right and walk 100 metres, then you see miracle white house with high chimney and arc windows with relief grapes design. That is what you were looking for. You will fall in love with this place with the first sight. One can only dream of such a miracle for children. Beautiful architecture of the House, unique interior of inner space, wonderful fruitery, forest trees, squirrels jumping all around, silence and the freshest air. It is just a gift. About here our children grow! And we are always happy to new friends.
The fourth House is situated near the Hovanski Entrance at VDNKh. Walk 20 metres after the barrier at VDNKh, then you should yurn left and walk along white building several steps up to the end of it, then the road turn right. Take this way and walk a little more than 100 metres down the beautiful parkway of larch trees, on the left side you can see wonderful pink House with tile roof. Come in any time to watch the fairy world of childish childhood. You will always be warmd up and treated with aromatic tea and home-cooked pies. Welcome!