Children’s Embassy — Houses Childhood
If you have ever thought whether it’s possible to realize dreams about happy and joyful childhood of your children, whether it’s possible to stop feeling nervous about their health, education and upbringing, whether it’s possible to trust the most precious thing that you have to other people, then there is one answer – YES! IT IS POSSIBLE, IF CHILDHOOD EMBASSY HAS STEPPED INTO YOUR LIFE!
Wonderful results which get boys and girl, whose childhood is spent at CHILDHOOD EMBASSY, are not occasional. They are regular. Having left PROPERLY the first and so important part of their precious life in the cure atmosphere of love and care, they are ready in any direction to instep into the next stage – school. Children go to school bravely and with interest, firmed up, full of joy, interested and captivated, with exuberant imagination and with priceless baggage of huge desire to follow authority of a grown-up. For a good school teacher our children are the real gift. Because the upbringing, developing and educating of children in CHILDHOOD EMBASSY is organized in such a way that is to feed them with life force, to save the ability to be surprised and ask questions in them, teach them to see and feel the world around them. Having gone through the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY children sing, dance freely and with joy, absorbedly draw and mold, know numerous poetry, play with huge fantasy, love to tell fairy tales, act plays, they have diver knowledge about nature, splendid knowledge of English language, they orient in space, feel rhythm of the year, are able to follow the rules, they have good manners and healthy habits, wonderful skills of self-service, children craft with pleasure not only toys for themselves, but are able to set the table nicely, wash the dishes after themselves, put things tidy, they are open to communication and mutual help, they are able to leave conflicts constructively, they have proper rhythm of sleeping and awakening, they are physically active, have flexible mind, the highest level of developing of fine and gross motor skills. And the most important thing in their baggage – strong health and splendid motivation for studies!
All these achievements – result of embodied dream of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY as of an organization of the 21st century. “New time – the best traditions”. Trustworthy basis from the basics of classic pedagogic in acquaintance with innovations of last decades lets us create new in quality type of children establishment, it’s hard to get into it now, but within every year more and more children have an opportunity to grow and develop in such wonderful conditions.
Having got into the territory of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY, you plunge into the world of harmony and love, perfectness and prosperity. There flow healthy and joyful life of children. It’s realy miracle world, where everybody is surrounded with care and attention.
Unique educational and healthful programs.
Splendid cheerful design of inner space and “Fairytale meadow” outside create the warm and cosy atmosphere and outline individual approach in everything. All scale of colors, materials and stylistic decisions are selected with a glance to cure influence of environment of a child. From the blossom gardenplot at the entrance to game rooms – everything has inimitative style and atmosphere of coziness, warmness, comfort. Every detail has its sense. Every trifle is thought over in CHILDHOOD EMBASSY, that makes child’s staying in it interesting, absorbing, useful, pleasant and safe.
We impose high requirements to quality and functional sense of playing materials. Most of our unique toys are handmade. They differ in original shape, splendid quality, deep pedagogical sense. All materials correspond international ecological standards.
The zest is own preserve, which we era making right now and a little farm with several spices of birds and animals, which our children take care of. Waterfalls, grotto, little pond with goldfish, mini kitchen and flower garden, fruit and berry field, fancy sand and stone hills, labyrinths and fountains – it is landscape, where our children’s life flows.
Balanced in rhythm of city and week feeding with bioproducts from biofarms, which take into consideration circadian rhythms of life-sustaining activities and influence of planets, it allows to form healthy eating habits of babies. By means of useful and absorbing trainings in CHILDHOOD EMBASSY we allow for every parent a unique opportunity to organize healthy feeding for all the family at home.
Only nature materials for handicrafts: wax, multicolor clay, quartz sand, natural wool, cotton, linen and silk fabric, botanically based paints, different kinds of paper every day give children cure sensory feelings.
In the craft shop children regularly watch work of real masters. Our own candle, weavers, potter mini lathes, all the toolkit for wood, paper, fabric works give children an opportunity to chose and actively take part in interested occupation, receiving not only new skills, but also creating interesting and useful things for their games. Little cooks even have a wood-stove outside, where during picnics they cook fantastically tasty porridge, bake their own bread, potatoes and apples.
Rich collection of natural materials from different parts of the Earth: rare minerals, ammonites, shells, corals, exotic fruits, diverse types of wood, essential oils are not only cared in our museum, but become alive everyday during free games of children and give them new force for imagination.
Researching laboratory, where children study properties of environmental world, broads child’s horizons, enriches his experience. There children have: microscopes, loupes, multicolor glasses, vessels of diverse shapes, huge collection of materials of different handle: copper plates, golden foil, magnets, flint-paper, ice, papyrus, raw beeswax. In this lab children grow crystals and hold a lot of interesting experiments.
In the EMBASSY library besides wonderful collection of children literature in Russian, English and French languages, are cared compositions of the most outstanding pedagogues of previous centuries, also the first exemplars of their manuscripts, reprinted publications of magazines and newspapers. We are subscribed to all the best periodical publications about preschool pedagogic. A lot of books are filled with beautiful illustrations, puzzles, teaching tests and funny games. All the publications in CHILDHOOD EMBASSY are in open access for children and their parents. There also cared unique books about every child, whose childhood was spent in the EMBASSY. These books are real treasures, created by hands and hearts of our teachers.
Museum “Antique coffret” is opened for every week plays. Collection is regularly added with new interesting exemplars: domestic items, utensils, clothes, antique toys. There is a special course in this field “Rules of politeness and social etiquette. Good manners”. Every year in spring with the patronage of Nobility Assembly it is held one of the most beautiful event – EMBESSY infant ball.
Musical salon – is an active constituent of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY’s life. Huge collection of musical instruments. Rich record library, original antique editions of infant songs. In this bound there is a pompous and interesting program of embassy concerts, where alive music is played for children. Our concerts take place not only at the territory of EMBASSY, but also at the nearest parks.
Dramatic hall. Puppet, marionette, shadow theatres. Our own theatre workshop, wardrobe and stage property room. Every week there comes a fairytale for our children. Children always wait anxiously for new fairytale personages become alive. The puppets that take part in our plays – our honor. They all are handmade in accordance with the rules of children perception. Traditionally, once a year parents prepare a play for children. It’s always a real event in the EMBASSY. Everything: from poster and invitation cards to decorations, costumes and music always admires, gladdens and surprises. During the year every last Friday of the month guest artists from the best city theatres please children and their parents.
Special aura, its own coloration is peculiar to life of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY. One reason for it is wonderful tradition of beautiful holidays, which decorate rhythm of all the year. One can say, there are such holiday nowhere. It’s celebrated especially warm and solemn Birthday of every child.
CHILDHOOD EMBASSY is an oasis of national traditions. National customs, songs, games, fairytales and crafts are absorbed by children by means of specially organized life. This depository of century wisdom feeds children with force, leaning and inner strength. Children of different nationalities grow up together very often in the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY. By means of communication with each other they get priceless experience of trustworthy relationship. And nice child minders of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY are from different countries either.
There regularly held fairs in the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY, where one can always find gifts for any celebrations. Our parents have at their disposal: great choice of gift cards, collection dolls, hand-embroidered linen, decorated fabric, ceramic utensils and other unique souvenirs handmade by talented masters. Children in the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY also can chose for their home occupations interesting games, absorbing books, good and kind toys. In the EMBASSY workshop our parents attend master classes in felting of wool, batik, clay molding, mosaic, toys making.
We do our best for children to get only healthy impressions. EMBASSY cultural program of visiting museums, theatres and other “public advents” is selected very attentively. Every event is prepared very carefully. Plays, concerts and expositions are watched beforehand. We often use cultural and historical venues for our away social events, filling them with interesting and clear for children content.
EMBASSY holidays our children with their parents spend at the world best resorts. Splendid hotels, absorbing developing and educational programs, unique healthy procedures are at their disposal. Plus it’s a good chance to practice one’s knowledge in foreign languages.
On Sundays and during holiday we regularly away at our countryside EMBASSY cottage.
Constant educational research takes place at the EMBASSY. Subject conferences and practice seminars are held not only for the specialists for sharing experiences and enriching with new ideas, but for parents of our children. We vividly discuss life in the EMBASSY, answer questions, prepare for holidays, share useful information. Parents get huge support in the EMBASSY and stop worrying about their children’s future. They feel and understand, that health, upbringing and education of their heritors are in trustworthy hands.
CHILDHOOD EMBASSY has wonderful friends in Pony-club. Our children learn with grate pleasure to care after little horses, to bit and to saddle up them. During studies children get skills of riding the horse slow, at a trot, at a gallop, learn to overtake obstructions. For little riders there is a special equipment: protective helmet, breeches, boots, gloves and waistcoat. Communication with horses forms temper, touches those sincere chords, which teach little man to be sensitive, kind, careful and truly generous.
EMBASSY children have an opportunity of special classes with dolphins in swimming pool. It’s a special cure healing program prepared for every child individually.
Every week in the morning children go on foot or by bicycle to a real trip to the country. We prepared many interesting routes. It’s very interesting work direction, rich of children’s impressions and it’s hard to overestimate its meaning to all pedagogical work of EMBASSY. So many plots there occur lately! So much impressions and discoveries! That is why “World of travelling” is a huge level of activities with children in the EMBASSY. Unusual adventures, little challenges and tasty surprises always wait for children.
There we created unique programs of physical education. Our children have their own trainers in yoga, choreography, gymnastics, figure skating, skiing, ball’s games, martial arts. Every child can chose favorite class and start to become familiar with it, taking lessons from high quality masters.
Separate direction of work in CHILDHOOD EMBASSY is disease prevention. Besides eco control of the room and environmentally pristine materials, organization of healthy rhythm of all child’s life, we accept phyto teas, healing with essential oils, inhalatorium, massage and a variety measures to strengthen health and immunity. Musical therapist and art-therapy specialist keep watching children and consult pedagogic staff and parents constantly.
Medical minder monthly controls all parameters of physiological and psychological health of children, adapts optimal program individually for every child. Every child has his own rhythm and own nature potential. Our unique program lets to open child’s talents in healthy way, protect and develop his individuality. Once a month doctor meets parents for general discussion.
We try to take into account all possible conditions for harmonic development of children. Our astrologist at parents will composes star chart, where one can consult and chose this or that kind of classes.
Our friends from medical centre, whose friendship lasts for years and whose professionalism is at the highest level, regularly, in autumn and spring, thoroughly check our children’s health. Every kid has his own passport of health, where all development parameters are monitored. Before summer and winter months doctors meet parents to answer questions and give useful information for every child. Every week all day long children’s health is controlled by the doctor in the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY.
Scientific selection of rich collection of special houseplants also makes healing effect at children’s health.
Additional system of filtration and water treatment are up to high international standards.
The newest systems of cleaning, venting, heating and air ionization make optimal eco-surroundings, which promotes lowering of children diseases risks.
If, unfortunately, a child is ill, medical attendant visits him to detect healing process and to consult parents and give fine gifts from the EMBASSY.
The EMBASSY provides full board staying. If parents can’t pick the child before 8 pm, he can use services of professional governess.
There is a car park at parents disposal in the EMBASSY. We can organize delivery service within Moscow and its area.
We have our own security service. We guarantee security and full privacy.
Special escort of all child’s family – is distinguishing feature of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY. We always underline importance of single approach in upbringing of a child. Only coordinate and trusty relations, mutual help, approval of all participants of absorbing and mystical process of upbringing really make profit to a child. All grown-ups, surrounding a kid, should make his own positive influence in harmony and agreement with each other. For this purpose there exists “School of cooperation” where we share secrets with governess and nannies of our children, make toys together, teach them interesting games and songs, tell them how to organize child’s life, rhythm in the family, how to hold class and organize a holiday. In this way nannies and governesses becomes our allies and true friends for their little fosters. We pay much attention to this work because in the end everybody wins – a child, who will grow in healthy and pedagogically adjusted space, and a nanny, who will enlarge her professionalism and find new glance at a child, and parents, because now they can be sure for all upbringing and educational process of their kid, and CHILDHOODEMBASSY’s staff, because our aim is harmonic development of a child, which is possible only in surroundings of trust, love, agreement and mutual understanding. Our children anxiously wait for miracle days, when there held courses “Discover with Mom” and “Discover with Dad”. So much fun, vividness, new discovers take place those days. We also have special holidays when grandmas of our kids come and stay all day long at the EMBASSY. There reigned special atmosphere of coziness and prosperity. Room is filled with fairytales sounds, calm talk during handicrafts, noise of spinning-wheel, rhythmic murmur of of cradle songs and surely smell of baking pies. All these events leave warm trace in room. These and many other traditions make CHILDHOOD EMBASSY truly a second home. Brothers, sisters and mutual friends are always welcomed at EMBASSY events. And at last the most important thing – is very tight and fantastically constructive cooperation with parents. We do understand how much alarms, warnings, expectations, questions surround during upbringing, education and development process of a child, we do not just help them during a certain period. We have special communicational culture with parents. Pedagogue becomes an ally to mutual grown-ups for a kid. Only when there constructed integral, healthy cooperation with all participants of upbringing process, only then there occurs desired result. It’s joy for all the staff when parents bring their fist child to the EMBASSY, then they bring the second and the third children. We understand, that such succession is the best proof of their trust to CHILDHOOD EMBASSY.
A unique offer of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY is special prepared program of Domestic upbringing og children, with detailed regular consulting and pedagogical escort of moms and dads by our specialists. Once a month parents of all our children get all necessary materials for home usage. Fairytales, poetry, songs, games and methodic recommendations in organization of upbringing and educational process at home. This program can be considered as a peculiar beacon in uneasy, but so interested and thankful matter of upbringing and education of children. At home there are always audio and video materials at parents disposal, which they can study in order to better understand what are your child’s interest, to play his favorite game or sing together his favorite song. Not always a child can tell how he spends his day outside, how relations with other children form, and not always a parent has time and strengths to enter into his child’s life. And, unfortunately, there occurred dissociation inside a family. Parents stat feeling guilty, worry that they give less to their child. In the CHILHOOD EMBASSY we have passé all these unpleasant moments and create wonderful succession of approaches, that, in the end, perfectly influence children, parents, pedagogues.
In the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY every child has his personal Embassy Briefcase. All things that a kid makes with his hand, all teaching and developing materials home tasks, embassy news, invitation to holidays, previews of the nearest events, interesting and useful information for children and parents – all these things are gathered in business Briefcase. Parents always can learn about child’s life in the EMBASSY, what is his success. They are aware of everything.
All programs of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY are overseen by the best scientific educational centers of our country. We are on friendly terms with foreign infant centers, sharing experience and materials.
Our guardian council gives us huge approval and controls all working process. All the information about EMBASSY life is at parents disposal.
Every family has an opportunity to look in the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY through the internet and in a conversational mode on-line to watch what is going on with their child, what he is occupied with, what game he is playing, how he feels.
Time runs fast. It’s good when there is an opportunity to capture unique moments in child’s life. In the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY we regularly give our parents disks with video and photo reports of everyday life of their kid. In this way every family can keep history and memories about miracle period of Childhood of beloved child.
We keep in touch with our alums constantly. They are always welcomed at our holiday events. Specially for them every autumn we organize subject ball with all necessary attributes: ball costumes, dances, treats and gifts. So much warm recollections and admired meetings. This tradition truly decorates life of EMBASSY. Because it is very important for children and their mentors that the connection feeding both never interrupts.
Our alums – our pride. Have been trained at the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY they go on studies at the best schools and colleges of Russia. Level of teaching foreign languages at the EMBASSY is so high that many children successfully enter educational institutions where teaching is in English. One can meet our alums at British International School and at American school. Moreover, our children become the best students of their schools. All of them are marked off the highest motivation, deep respect to pedagogues, constructive approach in any task solution, ability to get in contact rapidly and effectively. One can truly say, that unique programs of CHILDHOOD EMBASSY – brilliant start for children!
The main and priceless treasure of the CHILDHOOD EMBASSY – its staff. An allegation of youth and experience, infinitely faithful, absorbed with their work, sensitive, sympathetic, gifted, they really found themselves in the profession. Any question or request of your children will never stay unnoticed.