Art Of Speech, Logopedia

The first thing that a person hears, coming into the world – is the voice of Mom. Gradually the unfamiliar sounds become clear, familiar and loved ones. There is a growing person, and his speech becomes richer, more beautiful and more diverse as speech of people around him. In the Children’s Embassy, we understand that in the first place near environment of the Child shapes his relationship to language. However, additional meetings at the Embassy for the purpose of development of the sacraments of Russian speech help not only to enrich the child’s speech. On our special classes of native speech, we meet the voice, develop articulation, learn to speak clearly and beautifully, because it brings the net order in our thoughts either. However, more importantly, what we seek, strange as it may sound – is to learn to listen. Only by learning to listen to the beauty of Russian speech, we can take advantage of our beautiful language to the extent that it was done by our great ancestors of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov.